
Responsibility Works

an alcohol education course

Responsibility Works
Live Site


The Responsibility Works alcohol education course is housed within the Responsibility Works platform. It consists of 5 units of varying lengths.

Each unit ends with a 7 question assessment. A user is required to answer at least 5 of these questions correctly before moving on to the next unit. Feedback is provided after each answer.

At the end of each unit, a user is provided with resources associated with the content. Resources published by system admins are available to everyone. Resources published by organization admins are available to their organization only.

The backend is built with PostgreSQL, Prisma and Fastify.

The frontend is built with Next.js and utilizes Zustand for global state management.


Client: Responsibility.org

Creative: Joe Shumbat, Piper Olsen

Development: Ronnie Boniface


  • Next.js

  • Postgres

  • Fastify

  • React Spring

  • Zustand